Daily Archives: July 3, 2009

Why Marc B. Shapiro Won’t Be Giving Any Classes On The Rebbe, The Rav, And Aharon Kotler

In his first class on Rabbi Jehiel Jacob Weinberg for Torah in Motion, Professor Marc B. Shapiro says: Let me tell you about who we won’t be discussing — the three most important figures in post-war North American Orthodoxy — … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager talks to John Goodman, president and CEO of the National Center for Policy Analysis and an expert on health care reform

Thursday, hour one of Prager’s radio show: On Obama’s town hall on health care reform, a woman with metastizing breast cancer says she and her husband have $50,000 in medical-related debts even though they both have health insurance and are … Continue reading

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The Jewish Week In Review

Steven I. Weiss reports:

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