Monthly Archives: June 2009

‘Drilling On Mother Earth Is Like Stabbing Your Mother’

Dennis Prager on his radio show Monday: "That’s how the Left feels about it and the Left is ruled by their feelings." Prager was in Dallas Sunday night to give a talk to Jews and Christians who’ve raised money for … Continue reading

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Shining A Light

Shira emails: Dear Luke, I am thinking of you, while working. What comes to mind is that things are coming together. Your important work and service to the community is bearing fruits. In the past, I have stated that it’s … Continue reading

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The Jewish Week In Review

Steven I. Weiss reports:

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What Are Some Multiple-Choice Test Questions That Favor Whites?

So in New Haven there was this multiple-choice test that no black firefighters passed. The city concluded the test was racially biased. So what kind of questions in such a test would favor non-black firefighters? Many of the questions were … Continue reading

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Using Torah For Secular Songs

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student blogs: The Forward has an article about a recent trend of mainstream Israeli singers using passages from the Bible and other religious texts in songs (link). While it is not clear to me how much of … Continue reading

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