Daily Archives: July 23, 2009

Next Time, No More Mr Nice Guy

I write out three pages of my thoughts every morning. Here are some excerpts from my journal: I picture myself at a reconciliation meeting with the rabbi. "What do you want to do differently this time around?" he asks. "This … Continue reading

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Batter My Heart For You

I fear I am wasting my life in a grand delusion, that writing is a refuge for the lonely, that my desires to feel superior interfere with my desires to connect. I fear I am not the greatest writer of … Continue reading

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Taking Your Husband’s Last Name

On his radio show yesterday, Dennis Prager said: Here’s a touchy subject I have strong opinions on. Let me deal with the hyphenation matter first. I know people with hyphenated last names. Many of them are wonderful. The most obvious … Continue reading

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Rabbis Arrested On Charges Of Money-Laundering

If the feds audited yeshivas, I suspect they would find more cases of illegality than innocence. Report: FBI and IRS rounded up scores of elected officials and several rabbis across the state in what is being described as one of … Continue reading

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