Monthly Archives: July 2009

Why Was Joe Biden Included At Yesterday’s Beer Summit?

Conservatives do not have a clue. You have to be a liberal to understand this. If Joe Biden had not come along, it would’ve been two blacks (Obama and Gates) and a white (Crowley). The President wanted the colors equal … Continue reading

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Racism In Orthodox Judaism

Aliza Hausman, a Dominican convert to Orthodox Judaism, writes for the Jewish Journal: My husband and I started speaking out about racism in the Jewish community when a friend asked us to speak at a synagogue in Washington Heights, in … Continue reading

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‘Communism Wasn’t So Bad’

I sit after yoga class with a Ukrainian actress (about 36yo) who’s lived in America for the past 15 years. We sip yogi tea. Tisha B’Av finished minutes earlier. The actress wears a cap with the hammer and sickle of … Continue reading

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When Dennis Met Larry

Dennis Prager met Larry Elder in 1990. Dennis had Larry on as a guest during a week Prager co-hosted an early morning TV talkshow in Cleveland. Larry, an attorney, came on to talk about sexual harassment in the workplace. From … Continue reading

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Do Blacks Commit More Violent Crimes?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said that asking if blacks were arrested and imprisoned at higher rates than other races was the wrong question. The right question is: Do blacks commit proportionately more violent crimes? And the answer … Continue reading

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