Daily Archives: July 5, 2009

Can You Betroth A Woman Through A Messenger?

If the messenger has sex with your bride. Is that a valid Jewish marriage? Ask your rebbe that. That’s what Dr. Marc B. Shapiro advises Jewish teenagers. If the rebbe gets flustered and angry at the question, then he’s not … Continue reading

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New York Times Reviews Two New Books On The Mortgage Crisis

One guy who signed on for a mortgage he could not handle was a New York Times economics writer. His new book is called BUSTED. Alyssa Katz has published, Our Lot: How Real Estate Has Come To Own Us. Katz … Continue reading

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Closing Time by Joe Queenan

Queenan writes in his memoir that his writing career took off when he quit drinking. His second "My Turn" column for Newsweek "was an all-out assault on alcoholics in general and my father in particular. It recounted the beatings, the … Continue reading

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The Housing Boom

Check out the book on Amazon.com. Economist Thomas Sowell appeared on Dennis Prager’s radio show May 27: Tom: If the results weren’t so serious, all this would make a great Gilbert & Sullivan musical, with all the mutually contradictory statements … Continue reading

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