Daily Archives: April 22, 2009

When Did Date Rape Become A Crime?

Everything that my friends enjoyed doing at university is now a felony (I had CFS my whole time at UCLA and wasn’t up to any wickedness). How did this happen? When did manly hijinks with willing and not so willing … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Vs Perez Hilton On Gay Marriage

For a guy who despises TV, Dennis Prager seems to do every bit he can on it. Why not spend that time instead developing lofty ideas for such lofty platforms as books rather than sinking to the lowest common denominator … Continue reading

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Eliot Spitzer Was Not A Nice Jewish Boy

In her new book, The Manhattan Madam: Sex, Drugs, Scandal, and Greed Inside America’s Most Successful Prostitution Ring, Kristin Davis writes about her life as a madam. Eliot Spitzer was a client from 2004 to 2006. He used the name … Continue reading

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Avoiding Danger

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Because of this responsum’s importance, I would like to summarize its contents: Every person has an individual, set lifespan (cf. Ex. 23:26; Isa. 38:5; Ps. 39:5). This lifespan can be lengthened as a reward for doing … Continue reading

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Wedding Night Instructions For The Torah Jew

By David Deutsch If you are reading this, you have, Baruch Hashem, purchased a wife in accordance with our traditions.  Mazl tov!  Also, if, in accordance with our traditions, you have absolutely no idea of how one should perform the … Continue reading

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