Daily Archives: April 23, 2009

Will Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Do Anything For Publicity?

The Jewish Journal takes a snide shot at Rabbi Boteach in its Calendar section selection for April 28: "…an Orthodox rabbi whose self-proclaimed Eleventh Commandment is ‘Thou Shalt do anything for publicity and recognition’…" Here’s the 1996 article that pioneered … Continue reading

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Ten Pretty Young Women Ministered To Me

I was a specimen this afternoon at an acupuncture college. Ten students — all female — asked me questions about my every ache and pain as well as my views on Alexander Technique and Kundalini Yoga. It was the greatest … Continue reading

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This Week’s Torah Portion Tazria-Metzora 5769

Steve Brizel writes: Yom HaShoah R. Aharon Lichtenstein reminds and exhorts us to respond , but not to offer theodicy-based explanations for the Holocaust: link R. Tamir Granot explores various hashkafic perspectives on anti-Semitism and the Holocaust: link R. Hershel … Continue reading

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Is Hinduism Idol Worship?

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Avodah Zarah is loosely translated as idolatry or polytheism. I don’t know much about Hinduism but as I read Dr. Nathan Katz‘s memoirs of his journey from studying Hinduism to becoming an Orthodox Jew, I was … Continue reading

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Rabbis Kids Rock

From the New Jersey Jewish News: The sound has the screaming urgency of punk rock. The lyrics question everything. A snippet of their first recording, heard on the blog of the hip Jewish music site JDub Records, is appropriately titled … Continue reading

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