Daily Archives: April 11, 2009

I’m Not As Bad As Richard Yates

Over Shabbos, I finished Blake Bailey’s superb biography of novelist Richard Yates. I love reading biographies of great writers because I usually find that they share my flaws and yet have done great things. It gives me hope. Yates had … Continue reading

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A Torah Perspective On The Recession

STBO posts to Hirhurim: I can’t figure out why I or anyone else would buy this book. It’s very hard to imagine anything in this book that doesn’t apply to life every single day of every year (e.g. ‘don’t sweat … Continue reading

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Skipping The Second Seder In Israel

Haaretz reports: In the area of Cleveland where Menachem Hecht used to live, two Modern Orthodox synagogues are located right next to each other. The rabbi of one synagogue ruled that people who don’t intend to move to Israel must … Continue reading

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