Daily Archives: April 7, 2009

John T. Bone

Gregory Conley emails: Luke, I know you’re done with porn journalism, but I felt the need to e-mail you.  I’m working on a book about straight-to-video genre films, and I wanted an example of a guy known for filthy porn … Continue reading

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Seeking Absolution For My Sins

Though I try to hold myself back in my interviews, when I feel like they are going well enough, I set my demons loose among the hens. For example, see this interview with Robert Cait and these two reports from … Continue reading

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Orthodox Harvard Student Takes On Barney Frank

Watch the video on the left: CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (myfoxboston) – It all started with a question: "How much responsibility, if any, do you have for the financial crisis?" Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass) and a conservative Harvard law student debated over … Continue reading

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Who’s The Man Around Here?

I offered this woman a hug after her tough day at the corporate office and she said she had to go pump iron. Good thing I’m secure in my masculinity.

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JTA’s New Media Guru Sets Me Straight

Daniel Sieradski aka Orthodox Anarchist, JTA’s director of digital media, posts to my blog: Luke, tell me, since you got rid of your porn gossip site, who actually pays you to write for them? Aren’t you, by your own admission … Continue reading

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