Daily Archives: April 1, 2009

Ban Dropped On Women Delivering Eulogies

From The Jerusalem Post: A rabbi in northern Israel who came under attack for what some called blatant male chauvinism agreed this week to stop reproaching women for eulogizing their deceased loved ones. Haim Adani, Rabbi of Elyachin, a town … Continue reading

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Bais Yaakov Girls Gone Wild!

Heshy Fried writes: "Bais Yaakov Girls Gone Wild" has been in my imagination since I was 15. I never thought there were any other sick yeshiva guys like myself, but I have been surprised again and again by the search … Continue reading

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Should The Orthodox Ordain Women?

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student writes: On Sunday March 21st, 2009, Rabbi Avi Weiss conferred Yoreh Yoreh ordination on his congregational intern, Ms. Sara Hurwitz. The official certificate does not use the term rabbi but instead Rabbi Weiss invented a new … Continue reading

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News From Israel

Gadi Pickholz writes: See HaAretz p. 7 this morning: Jerusalem district court judge Tamar bar Asher-Zaban issues an injunction against new mintsnum in Jerusalem neighborhood of kiryat hayovel, at the request of meretz secular political party and with approval of … Continue reading

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