Daily Archives: January 15, 2009

Rashi Could Do Things We Can’t

Lawrence Kaplan writes on Hirhurim: "If I understand the end of Rabbi Slifkin’s article correctly, he was seriously saying that Rashi was allowed to say that God is a body while we are not, and he understood full well the … Continue reading

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How To Achieve Victory Over Sin

Dennis Prager spoke about male sexual nature on his second hour Wednesday. "They were more open about male sexual nature in the Puritan age." "Gay men have the same problem as straight men. Our sexual nature is variety oriented. It … Continue reading

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Economist Tom Sowell On Dennis Prager’s Radio Show

Dennis: "I am about to speak about one of the clearest thinkers living. One of the top five…" "Allen Estrin, my producer, said America would be different if every college kid read this book. "The first edition of Applied Economics, … Continue reading

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Yavneh Board Chair David Rubin

Jane emails: "You have guts to take on David Rubin. He is one of the most powerful orthodox Jews in LA. Based on the research you have compiled it seems that he has his hands full. But – have you … Continue reading

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