Daily Archives: January 5, 2009

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg Supports Israel

A great video:

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Bibliyoga.com’s Marcus J. Freed Live On My Cam

Here is his site Bibliyoga.com. I met Marcus at LimmudLA last February. We started our conversation at Jeff’s Gourmet Sunday evening. It was cold and windy. Marcus: "Bibliyoga is a body-soul workout….[connecting] spirituality to the body. " Luke: "Can straight … Continue reading

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I Got Poked On Facebook

These chicks poked me on Facebook and I’m not sure what to do. Do I poke back? Do I message back? Do I ask ’em out? Do I make wedding plans? Is this serious or is this just play? I’m … Continue reading

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What You Can Do For Israel

Chaim Amalek emails: "When Israeli women (the sane, non-haredi ones) turn 18, they go into the Army, where they do situps, pullups, and otherwise tighten their young bodies. When American women turn 18, they go off to college and promptly … Continue reading

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Twice As Many Republicans As Democrats Support Israel’s Attacks In Gaza

Orthodox Jews vote Republican and non-Orthodox Jews vote three-to-one Democrat. Liberal pundit Glenn Greenwald writes: A new Rasmussen Reports poll — the first to survey American public opinion specifically regarding the Israeli attack on Gaza — strongly bolsters the severe … Continue reading

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