Daily Archives: October 27, 2008

I’m Live On Marc Germain’s Show

Listen here. Watch me live on my cam.

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Why Doesn’t McCain Spokeswoman Nicole Wallace Take The Hit For Buying Those Expensive Clothes For Sarah Palin?

On Fox News this afternoon, Fred Barnes says only about $50,000, not $150,000, was spent by the Republican party on clothes for Sarah Palin. He says it was staffer Nicole Wallace who went out and bought those clothes without consulting … Continue reading

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Aish HaTorah’s Connection To The Anti-Islam Documentary ‘Obsession’

Aish HaTorah’s founder and leader, Rabbi Noah Weinberg, has often told his American followers that they should vote Republican. Most traditional Orthodox Jews vote Republican. Rav Yosef Soloveitchik, the late leader of Modern Orthodoxy in America, was a life-long Republican. … Continue reading

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Aish HaTorah Campaigns For John McCain?

Andrew Sullivan writes: Not the Calvin Klein fragrance, but a disturbing propaganda movie that has been sent to 28 million people in swing states in the run-up to this election. It conjures up an image of an Islamist take-over, spear-headed … Continue reading

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The First Energy Supplement That Works

My greatest struggle over the past 20 years has been with fatigue. After spending 1988 in the dark about my problem, I eventually got a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Though it has waxed and waned in intensity (it was … Continue reading

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