Monthly Archives: October 2008

Thank You For Baracking My World

Chaim Amalek emails: We’ve been telling you to get back into the swing of things ever since you began cutting your genitals (and isn’t that how you became a Jew?) by kow-towing to the rabbis of LA. Moreover, it is … Continue reading

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MSM Outlet Drops Pretense Of Neutrality

Mickey Kaus writes: Slate‘s quadrennial exercise proving that just because you’re open about it doesn’t mean it’s not embarrassing is up.  Slate is voting 55-1 for Obama over McCain, with one additional vote for Bob Barr. With those numbers, it’s getting hard … Continue reading

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Orthodox Rabbis Campaign For Proposition Eight

The more rooted you are in Judaism and Christianity and Islam, the more likely you are to vote for Proposition Eight. What surprises me is that more Orthodox rabbis aren’t urging its passage. They are not be true to the … Continue reading

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Which Shul Will Be The First To Get The Coveted ‘Peulat Sachir’ Hecsher For Kosher Ethics?

If the Modern Orthodox rabbis in Pico-Robertson enforce this code of ethical business conduct on their congregants, YICC and Beth Jacob will lose most of their machers. These guys work hard. They’re tough. They don’t always worry about ethical niceties … Continue reading

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Pacific Jewish Center Hires A New Rabbi

Rabbi Eliyahu Fink will be a part-time rabbi. He’s also going to law school. He says: "I am excited to join the Pacific Jewish Center as your Rabbi. Over the next few weeks I would like to get to know … Continue reading

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