Monthly Archives: September 2008

Living In Fear Of God

Luke Ford, Joey Kurtzman discuss this week’s Torah portion “Shoftim.” Torah is not afraid to command fear. It says fear God. Not awe, but fear. You’re going to fear something, says Dennis Prager, you might as well fear God.

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The Forward Distorts Dennis Prager’s Words

I guarantee you that Dennis Prager did not say that they’d still be gassing Jews if liberals had their way. I guarantee you that was a misrepresentation by the Forward. Brett Lieberman writes: MINNEAPOLIS – Likening liberals to those who … Continue reading

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I’m Voting Republican

From a forum post: Okay, let’s work this out logically without a lot of emotion. If you vote for Obama…. You get this….. But if you vote for McCain…. You get this… I don’t know about you guys, but looking … Continue reading

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Judaism As Unromantic Religion IV

Joey Kurtzman and I discuss:

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Shoftim III

Complete video of my discussion with Joey Kurtzman on this week’s Torah portion Shoftim:

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