Monthly Archives: September 2008

Palin Family Secrets

From the National Enquirer: The NATIONAL ENQUIRER’S exclusive ongoing investigation of GOP VP Nom Sarah ‘Barracuda’ Palin’s goes far beyond a mere teen pregnancy crisis this week!  The Enquirer’s team of reporters has combed the Alaskan wilderness to discover the … Continue reading

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How Come David Mazlin Is Not A Convicted Sex Offender?

I’ve published a lot about Valley Village Orthodox Jew David Mazlin’s arrest for seeking underage sex online. Well, search on CA’s Megan’s Law website. There’s no result for "David Mazlin." So I guess he’s not a convicted sex offender. David … Continue reading

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Luke and Sarah, Sittin

Dave Deutsch writes: Although Springtime is the time for amour, astute Luke Ford readers can’t help but be aware that whatever the calendar may say, love is in the air. Not since a young Dan Quayle made his appearance on … Continue reading

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Vegetarianism Is Now The Cutting Edge Of Fashion

David Deutsch emails: Luke Ford is certainly no stranger to virtually prescient, uber-trendy fashionableness. After all, Luke was a dreamy Aussie expat with a heretical father and a complicated relationship to California’s Jewish community long before Mel Gibson made it … Continue reading

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David Mazlin Is Not A Sex Offender

I’ve published a lot about Valley Village Orthodox Jew David Mazlin‘s arrest for seeking sex with a minor . Well, search on CA’s Megan’s Law website. There’s no result for "David Mazlin." So I guess he’s not a convicted sex … Continue reading

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