Monthly Archives: September 2008

The Latest Issue Of Tradition Magazine

Rabbi Gil Student writes: The latest issue of Tradition (vol. 41 no. 2, Summer 2008) is out and it is an overwhelming tribute to its former editor, R. Dr. Walter Wurzburger. This double-issue is well over 200 pages long and … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin Attracts A Crowd Of 60,000 In FL

Hugh Hewitt blogs: The Palin effect continues even as various MSM voices argue that the governor’s impact on the race is diminishing.  These sorts of crowds cannot be produced by advance men or old party networks.  The Palin breakout continues, … Continue reading

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Jews Live Among Us

I found myself listed among "cultural figures" here: Luke Ford, Los Angeles gossip columnist, journalist, moral leader (converted)

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Saving America’s Real Estate Market

From the Irish Times: The sweeping plan, which marks the biggest US government intervention in the financial system since the Great Depression, will bring the total cost of its market initiatives in the past fortnight close to $1 trillion. US … Continue reading

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Beth Jacob Holds A Big Meeting Tonight To Select Its New Cantor

I’m told: Nati Baram was approved overwhelmingly – rumor has it he got over 90% approval. He will commence his duties in December and will arrive here late November with his wife Carmit and the baby they are now expecting. … Continue reading

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