Monthly Archives: September 2008

Christian Celibacy

Steve Watters writes: Dennis Prager spoke at Focus on the Family last Friday. One of the points he made was that the emphasis of God’s work on the second day of creation was in separating. He explained that in the … Continue reading

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CEO Of OHEL Cautions About Going To Police

From Failed Messiah: David Mandel, the CEO of OHEL Children’s Home and Family Services, the Brooklyn-based haredi social services organization. Speaking in… …Baltimore February 20, 2008, under the auspices of Baltimore’s Orthodox (and overwhelmingly haredi) Va’ad Harabbonim, Mandel appears to … Continue reading

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Coming To Judaism

Rabbi Avi Shafran writes: A long, long time ago, when I was much younger, even more foolish and living in California, I used a motorcycle for personal transportation. I remember once riding my mid-sized Honda, tzitzit-fringes flying behind me, into … Continue reading

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Child Molesters & The Pope

Rav Adlerstein writes: The plague of molestation and cover-up in the Orthodox community is one of those circumstances. If you have not yet read some of Rav Yaakov Horowitz’s pieces, read them and cringe. His courageous writing is getting progressively … Continue reading

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Jewish Action Magazine On The Rabbinic Model

Rabbi Gil Student writes: The latest issue of Jewish Action has a fascinating interview with seven veteran Orthodox rabbis on a variety of interesting topics. One issue discussed was the shtiebelization of Orthodoxy, i.e. the breaking up into small, relatively … Continue reading

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