Daily Archives: August 24, 2008

The Scoop On The Light Scoop

I call San Francisco State photographer professor Ken Kobre Friday morning. He’s just back from spending three months in France. We talk about his lightscoop tool. Luke: “I use an external flash for my Nikon D200, the Nikon SB 800 … Continue reading

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Why Wasn’t Hamas Invited?

Robert J. Avrech writes: There’s been a certain amount of carefully orchestrated controversy swirling round the NBNFIJBC. Backstory: A notorious apologist for Muslim terror whispered to Haaretz—duh—that the conference was made up of right wing religious nuts. Some Haaretz hack—redundancy, … Continue reading

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Because it is closer-knit and more insular, the sense of shame increases in Judaism as you become more religious. In Orthodox Judaism, it is rare to have close friendships with Jews who aren’t Orthodox, let alone non-Jews. I remember when … Continue reading

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The Smartest Comments On The Web

Appear on hirhurim. It’s the only blog where I regularly check the comments. Mycroft writes about Bibi Netanyahu: He can be an example of no matter how far OTD (off the derech) one goes -people should still be welcomed. In … Continue reading

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