Monthly Archives: August 2008

My Dad Is Lecturing At Loma Linda University Sept 6

From the Facebook announcement: The Adventist Today Foundation will host the 2008 Richard Hammill Memorial Lecture by Dr. Desmond Ford on Sabbath, September 6, 2008 beginning at 3 pm in the Campus Hill Church on the campus of Loma Linda … Continue reading

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I Have A Nightmare That I’ve Become A Pack Rat

I’m not falling asleep until around 5 am these days. Then I have these vivid nightmares around 7 am. Today I dream that I’ve invited Rob Spallone over. He drops by and then goes to see a friend in the … Continue reading

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If You Don’t Like Your Google Rankings, Then Do Something About It

I get a lot of people asking me to unpost things they’ve previously consented to because my work is the first result for their name in Google. No, I am not in the unposting business. Why would you even ask … Continue reading

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‘The Spirit Of The Marathon’

I haven’t read any books or watched any movies about the marathon in the 29 years since Osgood Schlatters disease forced me to stop running them in eighth grade. In the year previous, I finished five. This new documentary directed by … Continue reading

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Looking For Marriage On The Upper West Side

Jennifer Bleyer writes: The Westmont is home to large numbers of young Orthodox Jews, and because pressing elevator buttons is forbidden on the Sabbath, which begins Friday evening, the many young people who had been invited to dinners in the … Continue reading

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