Monthly Archives: July 2008

I Was Going To Major In Genocide Studies…

I’m going to a lecture ("Lessons learned from the Holocaust? A Sociological Economic Analysis of Genocide") this weekend by a woman who’s got a master’s degree in Genocide Studies. I didn’t know you could get university degrees in genocide. College … Continue reading

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I Just Scheduled My First Lesson In Alexander Technique

I heard about it from Neil Strauss. I then read a couple of books on it and watched several videotapes and YouTube segments. I’m doing Alexander because I have horrible posture and it affects my voice and my headaches and … Continue reading

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More Layoffs, Please XVIII

Mickey Kaus writes: The Enquirer has indeed already moved on to the Edwards "coverup." Their latest issue alleges: John Edwards’ mistress, Rielle Hunter – the mother of his "love child" – has been secretly receiv­ing $15,000 a month as part … Continue reading

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Hormonal Judaism Vs Mind Judaism

Rabbi Yitzhock Adlerstein writes: There is good kiruv and there is bad kiruv. After reading ‘You’ve been Aish’d…’ in the Jerusalem Post, even the bad kiruv starts to look better. It is a piece that alternates between silliness and shallowness. … Continue reading

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What Do Converts Have To Do To Get Accepted?

This post by Toby Katz mirrors my experience: "In all the articles and comments about whether Ba’alei Teshuva are fully accepted in Frum from Birth communities, one major factor I haven’t seen mentioned is the character of the individual BT. … Continue reading

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