Daily Archives: June 13, 2008

Elazar Muskin, Steven Weil: A Study In Contrasts

Steven Weil of Beth Jacob is a CEO with semicha (rabbinic ordination). Elazar Muskin is the quintessential shul rabbi. He devotes himself to his community. He sets aside Fridays to call widows and shut-ins, etc to wish them a Gut … Continue reading

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Freedom From Bondage

Rabbi Gil Student writes:   The past few years has seen a resurgence in militant atheism — think Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris. As a backlash against the religious revival of the past 25 years, these authors and speakers have … Continue reading

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This Week’s Torah Portion

Steve Brizel writes: The Kohanim and the Menorah     R. Isaac Bernstein zt"l, based on the Ohr HaChaim, investigates how Aharon was properly rewarded by given the responsibility to light the Menorah: R. Berel Wein suggests that the message … Continue reading

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Are We Formed In High School?

From PragerRadio.com: " During this graduation season, Dennis asks if we are formed during high school? The hope is that we can change for the better, but is it true? Callers come down on both sides of the issue." My … Continue reading

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Clinton MacKinnon – Photographer

Here’s his website. Here’s my previous article on Clinton. Here’s Clinton’s recent interview with Shutterbug magazine: Interview His wife Kate: Interview Part two: Interview Clinton blogs: I did a radio interview on the 8th of March, it was a lot … Continue reading

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