Monthly Archives: June 2008

The Living Wage

Rabbi Gil Student writes: I finally read the much-discussed paper by Conservative Rabbi Jill Jacobs on the living wage, which was recently adopted by the (Conservative) Rabbinical Assembly’s Committee on Jewish Law and Standards (link, download – PDF). I was … Continue reading

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I Went To The Doctor For My Aching Chest

He says I probably strained my pectoral muscles from working out. No more weights for me. He advises cardiovascular exercise. My blood pressure is excellent — 122/69.

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Hillary’s Muslim Assistant Huma Abedin Courted By Jewish Congressman

If Anthony Weiner is straight, then I see why he’d be interested in Huma. Check out the pictures. Here’s a report from Islamabad (PTI): A 32-year old beauty of Indian and Pakistani parentage, better known as US presidential hopeful … Continue reading

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Shame Over Sexual Abuse In Israel

Time magazine reports: Among Israel’s ultra-orthodox Jews, the Haredim, social workers are often called "child-snatchers" and the police "Cossacks," harking back to the 19th century pogroms against Jews in Russia. These cloistered communities, in which women are expected to raise … Continue reading

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Remember When Blogging Was Cool?

Simon Dumenco writes: A May 25 New York Times Magazine cover story about the hazards of oversharing titled "Blog-Post Confidential," by former Gawker blogger (circa 2006 to 2007) Emily Gould, inspires such vitriol that the Times shuts down the comments … Continue reading

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