Monthly Archives: June 2008

Google Threatens Blog For Publishing Youtube Revenue Share Contract

From Valleywag: Google’s lawyers usually busy themselves trying to defend their right to keep content online — so Google’s search engine can index it, of course. Odd, then, to see Stacey Wexler, litigation counsel for Google, send New York tech … Continue reading

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Emma Opposes Irish Ratification Of The New European Union Treaty

DUBLIN, Ireland (AP) — Ireland’s citizens voted Thursday on whether to accept or reject the European Union’s new reform treaty, a painstakingly negotiated pact that would be damaged or destroyed by an Irish ”No.” The Lisbon Treaty seeks to reshape … Continue reading

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The Legacy Of Islamic Anti-Semitism

From the Horowitz Freedom Center, a Monday night lecture at the Luxe Hotel on Sunset and the 405: Andrew G. Bostom is the author of the highly acclaimed The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims. … Continue reading

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When My Implacable Anger Collides With The Sweetest Intern

When I called yesterday to reschedule, the secretary told me that today I was lucky to get the most popular intern at the school. Yay! My mind raced. What mysterious Oriental delights awaited me? I speculated aloud to my friend. I … Continue reading

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‘The German Bride’

Thursday morning, I interview the author (Joanna Hershon) of this acclaimed new novel. Order from Order from Barnes& Order from Over the past month, I read all three of Joanna’s novels. Swimming (Order from was the sexiest … Continue reading

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