Monthly Archives: June 2008

Cathy Seipp’s Daughter Maia In Montenegro

 CecileMLDubois:  guess where i am Luzdedos1:  hi Luzdedos1:  israel? CecileMLDubois:  no CecileMLDubois:  montenegro CecileMLDubois:  next week im living w gypsies and then going to kosovo Luzdedos1:  yay CecileMLDubois:  its 11pm here CecileMLDubois:  why are you still at home at 2pm … Continue reading

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Monsey Jew Accused Of Conducting Fake Gyno Exams

From the New York Daily News: Keivom/News Zalmon Silber The former operator of the Empire State Building‘s Skyride was charged Thursday with pretending to be a doctor so he could give unsuspecting women "gynecological exams," police and prosecutors said. Wealthy … Continue reading

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Maimonides Academy Shift To Right Under Rabbi Gross Leading To MO Parents Taking Their Kids Out

Under Rabbi Karmi Gross, the school has become more strictly Orthodox. Many Modern Orthodox parents are looking for an alternative for their children. They’re looking principally at relocating them to Shalhevet.

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What Happened To Young Israel Of North Beverly Hills?

They’ve halted construction of their new building. They’re fighting amongst themselves. There’s talking of selling their new plot of land and partially constructed building to a Sephardic shul. The place has fallen apart since Rabbi Sholom Tendler left. YINBH are … Continue reading

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After Being Sued By Rochelle Krich’s Son Elie For Harassment, Marc J. Ventimiglia Tries To Clear His Name

I reported May 6 about the lawsuit by Elie Krich and some minor Krichs. I also published (content later withdrawn from my blog) excerpts from an email alleging Ventimiglia to be a horrible person. Today Marc J. (a production manager) … Continue reading

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