Monthly Archives: June 2008

Is It Ok For A Jew To Sit In Starbucks?

Dr. Marc Shapiro reviews three recent books on Rav Ovadiah Yosef: "Since we live today in an era when some rabbis have declared that one should not sit in or buy coffee at a store like Starbucks that has no … Continue reading

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The Kosher Toilet

Dr. Marc Shapiro blogs: …Yated Neeman has never been interested in truth or intellectual honesty, but in pushing a religio-political agenda, and therefore not only do they refuse to print such corrections of their gedolim, but they have even published … Continue reading

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Chaviva Edwards – Jewish Blogger, Shul Hopper

Libby Ellis writes:   Chaviva may be on the CTA at this very minute Chaviva Edwards is a super-blogger with a really long commute. The Buena Park dweller takes the CTA down to the University of Chicago where she works … Continue reading

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Guilty Plea In Spinka Case

My favorite headline on this comes from the UPI: "Banker Admits Fraud, Rabbi To Follow." From the Jerusalem Post: A Tel Aviv-based banker with United Mizrahi Bank pleaded guilty to setting up secret bank accounts in Israel that, prosecutors say, … Continue reading

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NYT Editorializes About Jewish Arms Dealers Accused Of Corruption

On March 27, I reported: The Bar-Kochba Botach in this story is a Los Angeles Orthodox Jew. He owns at 3423 West 43rd Place Los Angeles, CA 90008. His brother is Rabbi Shmuley Boteach. Bar-Kochba Botach is not accused … Continue reading

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