Monthly Archives: June 2008

A Rabbi For Pat Buchanan

Nachum Shifren has written a couple of compelling books, The Surfing Rabbi and Kill Your Teacher. He writes: As you know from reading my horrific expose of racism and corruption in L.A public schools, I was forcibly removed after 18 … Continue reading

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The Rebbe & Ronald Reagan

From The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory and President Ronald Reagan enjoyed a deep relationship for many years. Mr. Reagan displayed a profound respect toward the Rebbe and his teachings. The President was an early and … Continue reading

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Frightened By The Conversion Controversy

Frightened posts to Cross-Currents: Again, there is an issue in that the court abolished ALL of the giyur done by R. Druckman and R. Avi-Or. The apologeticists and attackers keep framing this debate in terms of extremes, in which a … Continue reading

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Israeli Cinema Is Painful

Nine out of ten times I rent an Israeli film, I regret it. They’re horribly boring. I just checked out "Sallah." It’s billed as "Israel’s all-time classic" and it is supposedly the highest grossing movie in the history of Israeli … Continue reading

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Rational Reasons For Staying Faithful

Dennis Prager devoted an hour to this topic on his radio show yesterday. He offered three main reasons: * Infidelity won’t work. It won’t cure your urge to stray. "The next day or the next week, you’ll yearn for another … Continue reading

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