Monthly Archives: May 2008

Orthodox Girls Gone Wild – Hitting Hollywood Saturday Night For A Birthday Party

I wake up Saturday morning with a tickle in my throat. What’s she doing here? I contemplate skipping motzei Shabbat karaoke but don’t want to leave the boyfriend in the lurch. Poor man. Without me, he’d be stuck in a … Continue reading

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I Want To Be America’s Boris Johnson

From the BBC: In an age of on-message machine politicians, Boris Johnson – who has just been elected mayor of London – is a one-off. Often described as a buffoon, even by his admirers, his bumbling, self-deprecating persona has long … Continue reading

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JConnectLA Friday Night

Workmen’s Circle. 6:20 p.m. I’m the second person to arrive. It’s my first Shabbat in over eight years without my black undertaker suit. Instead I’m wearing this striped ill-fitting number I got for $20 from the Jewish thrift store on … Continue reading

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Quit Your Day Job

If you are serious about making money online, there’s a free course I just signed up for — The Black Ink Project. Take it with me and we’ll get rich together! I’m feeling very close to you right now.

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I Plan, Rabbi Hirsch Laughes II

Publicist Lauren Levy emails me April 6: "Hi Luke, As I’m working on getting some online PR for Rabbi Sherre Hirsh’s amazing WE PLAN, GOD LAUGHS, I can’t tell you how pleased I was to read your article on it. … Continue reading

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