Monthly Archives: May 2008

Frum Beach Party

From Leah Kleim:

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The Cross & The Jew

Chumi Friedman blogs: The following question was submitted to the forum on Judaism: "Dear Rabbi, We are not religious but our son was raised as a Jew and had both a (reformed) rabbi and priest perform his wedding ceremony. … Continue reading

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The Outsider

Are you Shomer Mitzvas? Shomer Shabbos? I assume yes but I am asking. Why do you feel like an outsider in the LA orthodox community? You have mentioned this in your videos and on the blog. I understand your respect, … Continue reading

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Leah Kleim Straps On Tefillin

From her website:

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Rabbi Says Self-Satisfaction Is Not The Answer

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach writes to a frustrated husband: Sexual passion, intimacy and erotic joy in marriage are crucial components of a strong relationship. So you have to take this issue, and your wife’s frustration, very seriously. But your wife’s suggestion, … Continue reading

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