Monthly Archives: May 2008

Why Are Nordic Mysteries So Glum?

Because they are about Godless people. All deep writing about the Godless is glum. There’s no rational reason to be happy unless one believes in G-d and participates in an organized religion. Look at me. My writing overflows with joy … Continue reading

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Help Me Get Back To My Planet

I had such big plans for Thursday night. I was going to the JConnect barbie at Dockweiler Beach. I had a ride. I was going to be social. I’m social in waves. It takes some effort. But if I push … Continue reading

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‘Can Anyone Grow Up To Be (Shul) President?’

I get off my sickbed Shabbos afternoon and go to this lecture. Last year, a Young Israel shul hired a graduate of the most left-wing Orthodox yeshiva (Chovevei Torah) — as its assistant rabbi. A few months later in response, … Continue reading

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‘I Want To Be 1 With You’

That was a line from my chat room today. It was so pithy and eloquent, I want to appropriate it. I’m not much of a mystic, but that woman’s hunger for union with G-d (for that was what she truly … Continue reading

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The Rabbi And The Wanker

I’m working on a top secret somewhat autobiographical novel about a not-so-young man working out his mishegos before he gets thrown out of the last Modern Orthodox shul within walking distance. How do you like it so far? I’m open … Continue reading

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