Daily Archives: March 31, 2008

How A Former Model Helped The FBI Nail Anthony Pellicano

ERSNews.com reports: Her name: Erin Finn and she’s tall and blonde.  She’s also unknown, until now. Finn will most likely be a key witness in the federal wiretapping and racketeering case against Anthony Pellicano, former private investigator to Hollywood actors, … Continue reading

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Rabbis & Communism

Marc B. Shapiro’s latest post is up on the Seforim blog: …Yet in the entire history of the Jewish people I don’t know of any source that says that it is good to be poor… …The notion that it is … Continue reading

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Why Do All Plays These Days Feature Either Gays, Jews Or AIDS?

What’s going on here? What do all these afflictions have in common? Some plays have all three themes such as.Angels in America. It was interesting. I can understand why some people went crazy for it. I bet Dr. William Pierce … Continue reading

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Lakewood To Require 11-Men Minyans?

A minyan means a prayer quorum. In orthodox Judaism, you have to have ten men in a room to say certain prayers. Chaptzem writes: "Lakewood is considering implementing a new 11 man minyan takunah. If this new takunah is approved … Continue reading

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