Monthly Archives: March 2008

Re: Rav Daniel Arnall, Rav Abner Weiss

Gadi Shapiro ( emails from the Israel Fathers Rights Advocacy Council about this post: Rav Daniel Arnall is not only one of the brightest intellectual rabbinic lights among the modern orthodox in LA (whenever I needed to borrow a copy … Continue reading

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Narcissism Vs Gossip

Jane says: I hear you’re talking about me, so that’s good! A good friend goes sort of insane whenever I mention your name. I think he went to a screening of your "movie," or wish he had gone, or something. … Continue reading

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Rabbi Avrohom Union’s Background

He’s a baal teshuva. He was not raised in Orthodoxy. He came to it as an adult under the influence of Rabbi Beryl Wein and others. Rabbi Union was in on the founding of Ohr Somayach. He came to Los … Continue reading

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Lakewood Yeshiva Bocher wanted for armed robbery

Rotenberg (PHOTO PROVIDED) reports: HOWELL — A 19-year-old Lakewood man has been identified as the suspect sought by authorities in an armed robbery at Reich Jewelers, where two employees were held at gunpoint and forced to fill duffel bags … Continue reading

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Spitting During The Aleinu Prayer

This was emailed me: Say, my friend, I really appreciate you coming to my home to help make a minyan, but would you mind not spitting on my $4000 oriental rug? I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been … Continue reading

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