Tag Archives: Emma

I’m Live On My Cam!

Click here to join the fun. Guest43:  luke you are a grecian god without any formula Guest43:  mmm… breakfast of champions welshdragon:  lo u’re up early Guest43:  he was partying with they young ones last night welshdragon:  just got out … Continue reading

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I Demonstrate And Explain Tefillin To My Cam Audience

From my live cam chat: Russian: Is he checking his blood pressure? untpunt:  ohh yeeaaahhh RussianDragon:  is that bulletproof KhunDiddy:  either that or strapping on a suicide vest Emma:  What is that QuixoticLass:  no, bullets would go through cuntpunt:  its … Continue reading

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I’m Going To Compete With The RCC

Sure, they’ve got the Rabbinical Council of California, but I’m setting up my own kangaroo court. We’ll be overseeing conversions, business disputes and divorces. We’re going to sponsor beauty contests and add some excitement to Orthodox Judaism. From my live … Continue reading

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I’m Live On My Cam And Spreading Lashon Hara

You don’t want to miss this juicy conversation: SmiterOfShvartza:  Ahhh, just the two of us. SmiterOfShvartza:  I wish you were trustworthy SmiterOfShvartza:  if you were, I’d compliment you on the attractiveness of Emma SmiterOfShvartza:  but I am sure you got … Continue reading

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I’m Live On My Cam!

Click here to join the conversation: guest7:  Do you check out info people feed you or do you just post anything anybody says, knowing people have hidden agendas? MORALLYcorrupt:  ppl ALWAYS have an agenda! bigbrother:  big brother in 2008 guest7:  … Continue reading

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