Tag Archives: jew

Every Time I Enter A Rabbi’s Office, I Leave It With Less Freedom To Pursue Truth

I’m not complaining. I think it’s cool. It means I have to make fewer decisions. I have fewer options. I’m a drop in the rain, just a number not a name. And you don’t see it. You don’t believe it. … Continue reading

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Bring Emma To America

I deserve some happiness in my old age. Click on the paypal button on the top left. All donaters of $100 or more will get a personal phone call from Emma while she’s live on her cam. We’re going to … Continue reading

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I’m Live On My Cam

Click here to join the fun. guest16:  Emma should start searching for a cheap flight now… guest16:  so she could spend her cash wining  and dining you guest16:  and buying you little trinkets YourMoralLeader:  yay YourMoralLeader:  her sis’s a travel … Continue reading

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Holly Randall Is Chaim Amalek’s White Whale

I don’t know what I did to my friend but he’s all obsessed: From my chat room: palestine4ever:  LUKE WHAT DID YOU DO TO CHAIM palestine4ever:  He’s heavy on this Holly business, Luke. palestine4ever:  As a long-time ChaimWatcher, he usually … Continue reading

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What’s In A Name For A Jew?

Chavy Jo writes: My given name is plain. Absolutely generic. I’m okay saying it here in the blogosphere because it is that plain: Amanda Edwards. Even my middle name is plain. I didn’t get through my senior year of high … Continue reading

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