Monthly Archives: June 2012

What’s The Name For This Syndrome?

What’s the name for the syndrome where you restlessly pursue reconnection with people from your past who live nowhere near you while living solitaire in your present place? This has afflicted me since 1977 when I moved to California from … Continue reading

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Reconnecting With Old Friends

A great thing about having some measure of fame is that it reconnects you to old friends. And Facebook is great for that. There are large swathes of my life where I’ve been unable to reconnect with anyone. I’m not … Continue reading

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Working On Myself

I fear I’m going to be rusty when I get back in the dating game. What am I going to say about my blank resume the past 30 months? That I’ve been working on myself? I knew this couple. They … Continue reading

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Laughter Vs Embarrassment

I was at this Jewish event one Friday night in Pico-Robertson circa 1995 and I thought I was being terribly amusing because people were laughing. The organizer pulled me aside and said I was being inappropriate. “But they were laughing,” … Continue reading

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Writing Letters To Your Parents

I notice that many psycho-therapists give their patients assignments of writing out their feelings and frustrations in long letters to their parents. Did your dad wound you when you were eight with a withering comment at the dinner table? Write … Continue reading

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