Reconnecting With Old Friends

A great thing about having some measure of fame is that it reconnects you to old friends. And Facebook is great for that.

There are large swathes of my life where I’ve been unable to reconnect with anyone.

I’m not in touch with anyone I worked with at KAHI/KHYL radio from 1982-1987.

I’m not in touch with anyone I went to Sierra Community College with from 1985-1988.

I’m not in touch with anyone from my one year at UCLA 1988-1989 (except for Arnold Strong). I’d particularly like to reconnect with people from my quiet floor, the second floor, of Rieber Hall.

I’m not in touch with anyone from Forest Lake Christian School (ninth grade, 1980-1981).

I’m not in touch with enough people from Pacific Union College Elementary School 1977-1980 (sixth through eighth grade).

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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