Working On Myself

I fear I’m going to be rusty when I get back in the dating game. What am I going to say about my blank resume the past 30 months? That I’ve been working on myself?

I knew this couple. They were taking a break. He said he needed time to work on himself. A few weeks later, she found out he was working on himself by having sex with other women.

The kind of men who sleep around rarely strikes me as impressive. They have this power over women, but their drive to achieve gets sucked out of them so that they become hedonists and addicts to the game of seduction. By contrast, the most impressive men I know are committed to their wives and family.

I didn’t want life to be like this. I thought when I was younger that there would be nothing more glorious than sleeping with a lot of women. Think of how much you’d learn. Your horizons would expand. Every time you merge with another person, you experience a little bit of their world. Surely that makes you wise and deeper and more empathic?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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