Monthly Archives: March 2012

What’s The Proper Position For Your Head?

Alexander teacher Leland Vall says: “Of course there is no real “position” for your head because your head moves in response to everything you do. More of a problem is that the head is often almost stuck in a position … Continue reading

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Critiquing Youtube’s Most Viewed Posture Videos

I went to and put in “posture” and found that none of the top videos mentioned Alexander Technique, the best way to develop good posture. Instead, I found these videos: Caroline Blackburn, an Olympic athlete, recommends tightening the abdomen … Continue reading

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The Power Of Negative Directions

Robert Rickover writes: Most of us create excess tension somewhere in our bodies. If you have a pretty good idea where you’re habitually tightening up – could be your shoulders, your chest, your pelvis, whatever – you can use it … Continue reading

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How To Read A Book Comfortably

Before I took Alexander lessons, I never thought about the way I read books. I never thought about my sitting mechanics. I never thought about the strain of holding a book up. Nuitsmani comments on one of my videos on … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager? Why Did You Have To Go To Him For? He Was The One Person In The World I Didn’t Want To Hurt

I’m watching The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz. Duddy runs around, cutting corners, betraying everybody who loved him in his drive to get ahead. He reminds me of myself. Everybody around me ends up feeling betrayed. There’s a great line in … Continue reading

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