Daily Archives: March 17, 2012

How Influential Is Dennis Prager?

I’m struck by the awe that thousands of unlearned Jews such as myself display towards Dennis Prager (we revere him for his ability to present Jewish texts and ideas in a rational and inspiring way) and the lack of awe … Continue reading

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When The Ignorant Dress As Rabbis

In his second lecture for Torah in Motion on the Chatam Sofer, professor Marc B. Shapiro says: “When Rav Kook’s father-in-law went to Jerusalem [at the turn of the 20th century] he was surprised. In Russia, you could find great … Continue reading

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Orthodox Gone Bad

Sharon emails: Dear luke, I’m not sure if you’ve been following the thr recent tragedy/scandal coming out of Lakewood NJ about a frum mother of kids that decided to become an atheist, and run off with a hasidic guy who … Continue reading

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