Daily Archives: March 19, 2012

Torah Talk! Parashat Vayikra (Leviticus 1:1-5:26)

I discuss the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Rabbs Mondays at 7:00 pm PDT on the rabbi’s cam and on YouTube. Facebook Fan Page. This week we study Parashat Vayikra (Leviticus 1:1-5:26).

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New Documentary About Sexual Abuse In Baltimore’s Orthodox Community

The Washington Post reports: The story took over [Phil] Jacobs’s career in a way that surprised him. Tall and lanky with a softspoken manner, Jacobs, 58, still lives in Baltimore and is still married to his high school sweetheart. The … Continue reading

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Jewish Sexual Abuse Victims Make Websites

The Washington Post reports: In November, Debbie Teller, a 40-year-old Brooklyn-based blogger, launched a Web site called “AD-KAN,” a Hebrew phrase used to make the point “enough is enough.” “I wanted to reach out to people for so long, but … Continue reading

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Baby Alexander Technique

Let’s hope that little Hazel’s setback with Baby Alexander Technique doesn’t impact her chances for the 2014 Olympics. A gold medal in Curling will look great on a pre-school resume. Season 2, Episode 3: “Primary Care Giver” from The Slope … Continue reading

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What If There’s Not A Goy Around When You Need One?

In his third lecture for Torah in Motion on the R. Eliezer Berkovitz, professor Marc B. Shapiro says in 2010: “Berkovitz claims that Jewish law changes but the values stay the same. He believes in Biblical values that in prior … Continue reading

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