Daily Archives: March 2, 2012

Andrew Breitbart Died Just Before He Was Due To Release Damaging Obama Footage

As soon as I heard Andrew Breitbart was dead, I thought he’d been murdered. Nothing else made sense. The guy was only 43. He was full of life. He had damaging video of President Obama he was due to release … Continue reading

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Should Israel Attack Iran On Purim?

Neil Rubin:A bizarre thought: Would Israel (for irony’s sake and a whole lot of other reasons) attack Iran on Purim?

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Do You Lead With Your Jaw?

When life is not what I want, I feel a huge emotional need to clench my jaw. I just want to grind my teeth. I’m frustrated and I have to express this frustration through body tension. That’s one of the … Continue reading

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James Q. Wilson Was 80

My liberal professor of political science at Sierra Community College nonetheless assigned James Q. Wilson’s poli sci textbook in 1986. I remember how impressed I was by the book’s fairness and quality. I particularly liked its chapter on the media … Continue reading

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The Largest, Most Public Agunah Campaign Ever

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