Daily Archives: March 21, 2012

Marc B. Shapiro: If Christianity Isn’t Idolatry, Then What Is?

According to the chief rabbinate of Israel, Hinduism is not idolatry. Hindus see themselves as monotheist. They’re not monotheists by our Jewish standard. Hinduism has no doctrine of incarnation, of God becoming man. That’s the essence of Christianity and that’s … Continue reading

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Jewcer.com – Crowd Funding For Jewish Projects

It’s a Jewish version of kickstarter.com. Check out Jewcer.com: The global Jewish community is filled with creative and innovative ideas that could benefit our people both in Israel and around the world. Unfortunately, many do not succeed. Why? Funding. Well, … Continue reading

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Carrying On The Sabbath

In his second lecture on R. Joseph Mesas for Torah in Motion, professor Marc B. Shapiro says: “If R. Joseph Mesas made his rulings in America, we’d think he was a Conservative rabbi.” “In Algeria in the 1920s, 1930s, the … Continue reading

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Orthodox Women Covering Their Hair

In his second lecture on R. Joseph Mesas for Torah in Motion, professor Marc B. Shapiro says: In the 1950s at RIETS (the rabbinical school at Yeshiva University), about one percent of the rabbis in training had wives who covered … Continue reading

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The Whorehouse Next To Synagogue Ohel Moshe On Pico Blvd 90035

A few hours after I published about the massage parlor next to the Orthodox synagogue Beth Jacob of Beverly Hills, the whorehouse closed down. I was not aware until this evening about the whorehouse next to the Sephardic synagogue Ohel … Continue reading

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