Daily Archives: February 23, 2012

Why Doesn’t Anybody Ask If Rick Santorum Is A Christian?

About a quarter of Americans, according to surveys, believe that President Obama is a Muslim. Obama says he’s a Christian but there’s almost nothing in his behavior or his speech that’s distinctively Christian. By contrast, nobody doubts that Newt Gingrich … Continue reading

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It’s A Shame Newt Isn’t Stable

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “When Newt Gingrich is on, he’s the best in speaking of this group. He knows his stuff. He knows the points to make. It’s not wedded to the most stable personality. That’s … Continue reading

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The Fall And Fall Of Tzipi Livni

A few years ago, I wondered about all the flattering things written by leftists journalists about Tzipi Livni. She was without accomplishment yet flooded by favorable press. Now she’s been shown for what she is — a zero. Jonathan Tobin … Continue reading

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Three Downsides To Alexander Lessons

Usually, you will feel great after an Alexander lesson. You’ll feel more at ease in your body, more balanced, and more tranquil. But there’s also a good chance that once you let go of your body armoring (unnecessary tension), you’ll … Continue reading

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How Are Teenage Boys ‘Victims’ For Having Sex With An Attractive Female Teacher?

This Los Angeles Times story describes the boys as “victims”. I only wish I had been so victimized when I was a teenager. This woman is hot. Sex with her would be no crime. I wish I had been so … Continue reading

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