Daily Archives: February 15, 2012

Free Money Is Like Heroin

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “More and more Americans are given this heroin [free government largesse]. Money is like a drug. People become dependent on it, even those who don’t want it.” “If you are given money, … Continue reading

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What Happens If You Decide To Not Rush?

I’ve rushed around most of my life trying to get a lot of stuff done. This has not been an efficient way to live. I’ve often had to repeat my shoddy work and often felt like a chicken running around … Continue reading

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I Would Never Play Tackle Football Or Box

I think I played tackle football twice in my life, sometime around seventh grade. I hate being hurt. I hate getting tackled. I hate pain. I hate the risk of injury. Yet I love watching football. I love to see … Continue reading

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I’m On The Up-Side Of My Bipolar Cycle

My frequent posts this week indicate that I am on the up side of my bipolar cycle. Though not clinically bipolar, I have many tendencies in this direction. If you read many of my posts, you’ll notice that I tend … Continue reading

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