Daily Archives: February 8, 2012

The United States Is Becoming Like Greece

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “The movement of the United States towards being Greece. Having the American media (outside of Fox News, the WSJ, talk radio) behind you, the carpet bombing of left-wing rhetoric on society is … Continue reading

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White Tennis Vs Women’s Tennis

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the citizens of America are not permitted to define marriage. Judges are permitted to define marriage. The state of the union is imperiled … Continue reading

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When Rabbis Become Molesters

Joe says: “I had forgotten entirely about [Rabbi] George Finkelstein, because I didn’t go to MTA, but I remember hearing these “George stories” from all my friends. I remember the guy from my YU times, he was always a bit … Continue reading

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To Truly Feel Despair, You Have To Collapse

It’s impossible to really feel down unless you physically compress. If you allow your head to retreat into your torso and your back to collapse in, then you can truly access despair. If you stay tall and poised, it’s impossible … Continue reading

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You Can’t Fake A Smile

Alexander teacher Sharon Jakubecy says: “Our bodies never lie. So if you or someone you are flirting with is faking a smile, the body will tell the truth. A fake smile has no warmth or joy. It looks forced. The … Continue reading

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