Monthly Archives: February 2012

The Barista’s Curse

So I’m reading this article in the New York Times by an ex-barista lamenting how now that he’s a big-time writer, people still associate him with making their coffee. Jason Diamond writes: I have a friend I like to avoid … Continue reading

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The Perils Of Giving Free Lessons

It is very tempting as a new Alexander Technique teacher to offer your friends free lessons. It rarely works out. Alexander Technique demands a lot from the student and somebody taking a free lesson is unlikely to do the work … Continue reading

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Relieving Chronic Pain

After a car accident at age 19, Lauren Hill developed chronic pain in her neck, shoulder and back. She went to the doctor and got some tests. She searched for somebody to fix her pain problem. She went through physical … Continue reading

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Alexander Technique’s Influence On ‘The King’s Speech’

Here’s an interesting blog: A recent newspaper article has uncovered the connection between the Alexander Technique and Lionel Logue – the man credited with curing King George VI’s stammer and hero of the multi-award nominated film The King’s Speech starring … Continue reading

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The Debauched Life

All of us adults have debauched kinaesthesia (a favorite phrase of the Alexander Technique to indicate a faulty kinaesthetic sense). Through paying attention to your habits and letting go of ones that hurt you (such as unnecessary tightening and compression), … Continue reading

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