Monthly Archives: February 2012

The Secret To Alexander Technique

After an unsuccessful introductory lesson the other day, I spoke to a veteran Alexander teacher. I complained that I was unable to teach “direction.” What the heck is “direction” in the Alexander language? It is messages that you send to … Continue reading

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David Gorman’s Learning Methods hosts an excellent interview with David Gorman. Robert Rickover recorded this interview. I spoke to David for almost two hours this morning via Skype. Here are some highlights: David: “F.M. Alexander had problems. When he was a kid, he … Continue reading

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The Rabbi Who Couldn’t Read Hebrew

Here’s an interesting story: Raphael: The problem I want to bring up revolves around being less skilled than I would like to be in something that is integral to my profession and I feel a great deal of shame and … Continue reading

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Playing Chess with Nukes

Joe* emails: It seems obvious to me that Israel should strike Iran, and immediately. The high upside is destroying for a generation the hopes of Islam to hold the Levant hostage with a nuclear weapon capability and possibly destabilizing the … Continue reading

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Rick Santorum Wants Your Sex Life To Be Special And He’s Right

The natural state of the male is to toss his life away pursuing easy gratification with no commitment. Only by stigmatizing all sexual expression outside of heterosexual marriage will most men commit to one woman and stay around to raise … Continue reading

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