Monthly Archives: February 2012

What Is A ‘Soft Block’?

I was just checking out my “holds” at and saw that my borrower status was “soft block.” So I Googled the matter and could find no info on what a “soft block” is and what I’ve done to enter … Continue reading

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Iranian Bombs, Israeli Diplomats

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Does Your Home Health Aide Have Violent Hands?

“Loren Shlaes, an Alexander Technique teacher and Occupational Therapist in New York City talks [to Robert Rickover] about ways the Alexander Technique can help Occupational Therapists.” Loren: “An occupational therapist looks at who you are, what your life is, and … Continue reading

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Child Sex Abuse Case In Australia Comes To America

Two thoughts: * This story illustrates why the Forward is the premiere Jewish news publication in the diaspora. * Consider the eery parallels to the sexual molestation situation at Beis Midrash Toras HaShem in North Hollywood. Email: The following note … Continue reading

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Sitting In A Chair Is One Of The Worst Things You Can Do For Your Back

“Loren Shlaes, an Alexander Technique teacher and Occupational Therapist in New York City talks with Robert Rickover about ways that parents can help their children develop good posture.” Loren: “When you’re carried in a car seat, you’re moving in one … Continue reading

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