Monthly Archives: January 2012

Reducing Disparities In Health Outcomes

I was looking at the Geffen School of Medicine faculty list and about half of the minority faculty members (and about 5-10% of the others) are dedicating their professional lives to “reduce disparities” in health outcomes. Why not devote yourself … Continue reading

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My Week With Marilyn

At the end of this movie, the protagonist is told “You’re looking a couple of inches taller than when I first saw you.” That’s what happens when we’re happy. We let go of our tendency to pull ourselves down and … Continue reading

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Should I Move To Dallas?

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke and Rabbs, Last Torah Talks, Luke said to Rabbs, “Who was that guy who used to write all the time?” Rabbs puts hand over face and goes into a 45-second brown study, presumably because my … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: The Ideal Is That The Wife Is A Full-time Homemaker

From Dennis Prager: “What is the ideal marriage arrangement? Is it sharing all obligations 50/50? Or is it Dad works/Mom stays home? Dennis offers his thoughts.” Dennis: “It is good to have an ideal of the husband-wife relationship, presuming there … Continue reading

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Tom Friedman Vs Israel

Jason Maoz writes: Thomas Friedman, the New York Times foreign affairs columnist, proved once again last week that despite his non-stop insistence that he has Israel’s best interests at heart, he relishes nothing more than slinging mud at Israel and … Continue reading

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