Monthly Archives: January 2012

Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning

One of the first things I did in my new office was to thoroughly shampoo and clean the carpets. My friend at Las Vegas Carpet Cleaning Pros emails me: One of the biggest complaints consumers raise when having their carpets … Continue reading

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Posture As A Tool In Personal Transformation

I heard a lecture in Los Angeles this week by Australian rabbi Laibl Wolf. The son of Holocaust survivors from Poland, Dr. Wolf grew up down under. He got a law degree, rabbinic ordination, a PhD in psychology and raised … Continue reading

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Alexander Technique description by Nikolaas Tinbergen, Nobel Laureate

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Is Mitt Romney A Vulture Capitalist?

Commentator Joan Walsh says on the Ed Schultz Show: “Mitt is the candidate of vulture capitalism that hollowed out the middle class and enriched the 1%. Newt is the face of white racism.” Dennis Prager: “Vultures play a significant role … Continue reading

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Why Didn’t Pharoah Just Kill Moses?

This week Jews study Parashat Bo (Exodus 10:1-13:16). Joe* emails: I always wondered why Pharaoh did not just have Moses killed. Or Moses and Aaron both. It would have quickly ended the political rebellion of the slaves because it would … Continue reading

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